Cape and Cowl's New Comic Book Day Reviews! February 5th, 2020!

Every week we go home on Tuesday night and read a bunch of comics to be ready for New Comic Book Day. Sometimes we write up little blurbs about them to put out in the shop so people know what’s what. In case you can’t make it in or just want to have a game plan before you visit, check out this week’s reviews!

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Picking up right where The Empire Strikes Back ends. Vader has just revealed to Luke that he’s his father and Luke is super not into it! Vader is legitimately shocked that his son doesn’t want to flip the evil switch and rule the galaxy and now he doesn’t know what to do with all these super sad and evil emotions he’s feeling! Plus, the return of a very, very important person in ol’ Anakin’s life…

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Franklin Richards is the crazy powerful son of Sue Storm and Reed Richards. He's also a mutant. If you ask the X-Folks, that means he belongs on Krakoa. If you ask his parents, they're not so sure. While the X-Men and FF fight about this, Franklin is deciding what he’s going to do. We’re not taking sides or anything, but our dude is a teenager. You KNOW he ultimately just wants to piss off his parents.

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What do you get when you mix adventure, espionage, maritime couture, and a dash of Mutant politics into one crazy cocktail? MARAUDERS, that’s what! It’s Hellfire vs. Homines Verendi, with both sides secretly infiltrating each other’s ranks! But which “Masque” will come off first?

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Well, it’s really all right there in the title, isn’t it? Our dude sure did f#$% up time. But his life sucks and it would be so easy to fix if he just borrowed the company time machine to write a couple wrongs that set him back! You would do the same thing, wouldn’t you? Consequences and dinosaur-police cars be damned! Wait… dinosaur-police cars?! He super f#&%ed this up.

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Ant-Man is a little down on his luck. He’s spent the last few months guarding the galaxy and fighting frost giants. Super cool, but super not paying gigs. The poor guys is now forced to live in an anthill while searching for paid superhero jobs. So apparently he’s off to go rescue some bees for a beekeeping society. The best part about this Ant-Man teaming up with his daughter, Stinger. We’ll read comics about super-parent/kid dynamic duos all day long.

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Ragnarok, the end of all things, has come and gone. All that’s left if the After Realm down below where the original nine realms used to be. Oona is a young, hard headed elf who’s bored, lonely, and floundering a bit without purpose. Maybe the trickster God Loki could give her something to occupy her time?

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What if Spider-Man became the host for the Immortal Hulk? All those sweet Spidey powers AND the unmatched strength and anger of the Hulk? Sounds like bad news bears to us. Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, and Reed Richards are going to have to put their super smart heads together and figure out a solution to this dilemma real quick!

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Promise us you won’t make the same mistake we did. Promise this won’t be the last book you read tonight right before you go to bed. You will 100% regret it if you do! Daphne’s mom is visiting a medium to speak to her dead husband. Daphne’s convinced it’s all fake until she begins to be visited by some kind of undead demon boy who wants to teach Daphne how to control the world around her and turn it into a total horror show!


Cape and Cowl's New Comic Book Day Reviews! February 12th, 2020!


Cape and Cowl's New Comic Book Day Reviews! January 29, 2020